Full Name
Gabriele Visentin
Job Title
EU special envoy for the Indo-pacific
Speaker Bio

Mr. Gabriele Visentin was appointed EU Special Envoy for the Indo-Pacific in September 2021.

He has been an official of the European External Action Service since 2011, where he served as Head of the Parliamentary Affairs Division.

Earlier in his career, Mr. Visentin was an official of the European Commission and served in the Directorate General for External Relations, as the representative of the European Commission to the Committee for the civilian crisis management of the EU (CivCom).

Mr. Visentin was also Head of Cabinet to the last President of the ECSC (European Community for Steel and Coal) and, during the Italian Presidency of the EU, he was detached to Rome as Advisor on European affairs to the Minister of Industry, Energy and International Trade.     

Mr. Visentin holds a degree in law and is specialized in International and Community law.   

Gabriele Visentin